The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Peacock Costs

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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Peacock Costs

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Peacock Costs

Peacocks are majestic birds known for their vibrant, colorful feathers and striking appearance. They have long been a symbol of beauty, and are coveted by many people who wish to keep them as pets or display them for ornamental purposes. However, the cost of owning a peacock can vary widely depending on factors.

In this article, we will explore the different factors that affect the cost of peacocks. These factors include the type of peacock, age, gender, and genetics. We will also discuss other expenses associated with owning peacocks, such as housing, food, and veterinary care. By the end of this article, readers should understand what it takes to own and care for peacocks, as well as the associated costs.

Factors that Affect Peacock Cost

There are several factors that affect peacock costs. Below, we will explore some of the most significant factors to consider when considering peacock costs.

Type of peacock

There are three main peafowl types: Indian, Green, and Congole. Indian peafowl are the most common and widely kept type, and generally the least expensive. Green and Congole peafowl, on the other hand, are less common and therefore more expensive.

Age and gender

The age and gender of a peacock also affect its cost. Younger peafowl are cheaper than fully mature birds, and females are generally cheaper than males. However, male peafowl are more prized for their ornamental value, so their prices can vary widely depending on their age, genetics, and overall appearance.


Peacock genetics can also affect its cost. Certain genetic traits, such as a particularly vibrant or rare coloration, can make a bird more valuable. Additionally, birds with rare or unusual bloodlines may be more expensive due to their rarity.

Other expenses

In addition to the purchase cost of peacocks, there are other expenses associated with owning and caring for them. These include housing, food, water, and veterinary care. These costs can vary widely depending on the size of the flock and the level of care provided.

Overall, peafowl costs can vary widely depending on factors. It is imperative to carefully consider these factors before making a purchase. It is also important to be prepared for the ongoing expenses associated with owning and caring for these birds.

How Much Do Peacocks Cost?

Peacocks can cost widely depending on a number of factors. Below, we will explore the average prices for different peafowl types in the United States. It is worth noting that prices may vary depending on the region, breeder, and other factors.

Indian peafowl

Indian peafowl are the most common peafowl type and are the least expensive. Young birds and females can generally be purchased for under $100, while fully mature males can cost upwards of $500 or more.

Green peafowl

Green peafowl is less common than Indian peafowl and therefore more expensive. Prices for green peafowl can range from $600 to $1,500 or more depending on the bird’s age, gender, and genetics.

Congo Peafowl

Congo peafowl are the rarest and hardest to find peafowl. Therefore, they are generally the most expensive. Prices for Congo peafowl can range from $1,000 to $3,000 or more depending on the bird’s age, gender, and genetics.

Other expenses

In addition to the purchase price of peafowl, it is imperative to factor in the ongoing expenses associated with owning and caring for these birds. This can include housing, food, water, and veterinary care. These costs can add up quickly, so budget accordingly.

Where to Buy Peafowl

Peafowl can be purchased from a variety of sources, including breeders, farmers, and pet supply stores. Below, we will explore some of the most convenient places to buy peafowl, as well as their pros and cons.


Breeders are the primary source for high-quality, pedigreed peafowl. They typically offer a wide variety of bird types and provide detailed information about genetics, bloodlines, and other factors. Breeders often provide healthy and well-cared-for birds, but their prices may be higher than from other sources.


Farmers are another common source of purchasing poultry, particularly in rural areas. They may have a smaller selection of birds available, but their prices are often lower than breeders. However, it is imperative to do your research to ensure healthy and well-cared-for birds.

Pet supply stores

Some pet supply stores may carry peafowl, although this is less common than with more traditional pets like dogs and cats. Prices at pet supply stores may vary widely depending on location and pricing policies.

Online retailers

Finally, it is possible to purchase peafowl online. This can be a convenient option for buyers who do not have access to local breeders or farmers. However, it is critical to be cautious when acquiring live animals online. Buyers should research the retailer thoroughly, read reviews and feedback from previous buyers, and ask for photos and additional information. This is before purchasing.

Legal Issues and Regulations

When owning poultry, there may be legal issues and regulations that prospective owners should know. Below, we will explore some of the most common legal considerations surrounding peafowl ownership.

Permits and licenses

In some areas, a permit or license may be required to own poultry. This may be due to their status as non-native or exotic animals, or local zoning laws. Prospective owners should research state regulations and contact their local government or wildlife agency to determine whether permits are required.

Zoning and Land Use Laws

In addition to permit requirements, peafowl owners should also know local zoning and land use laws that dictate where peafowl can be kept. These laws may restrict the number of birds kept on a property, as well as the location of bird enclosures and pens. Violating these laws can result in fines or penalties.

Animal Welfare Laws

Finally, peafowl owners should be aware of animal welfare laws and regulations that govern the care and treatment of birds. This includes providing adequate food, water, and shelter, as well as access to veterinary care as needed. Owners who fail to meet these standards may be subject to legal penalties and fines.

Economics of peacock farming

Peacock farming can be an economically viable enterprise for those who are willing to invest the time and resources required to establish a successful breeding operation. Below, we will explore some of the key economic factors when starting a peacock farm.

Start-up costs

Peacock farming can have significant start-up costs, particularly if you are building from scratch. Costs may include breeding stock, housing and enclosure construction, feed and water supplies, and veterinary care. Depending on the size of your operation, start-up costs can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars or more.

Breeding and genetics

Breeding and genetics will play a key role in your peacock farm’s success. Conscientious selection and breeding methods can produce high-quality birds with desirable traits, including vibrant plumage and strong genetics. It is imperative to research breeding methods and bloodlines and invest in high-quality breeding stock from reputable sources.

Marketing and sales

Marketing and sales are key aspects of any successful peacock farm. It is imperative to develop a strong brand identity and target your marketing efforts at potential buyers, including private collectors, zoos, and other businesses. Building relationships with customers and maintaining a strong reputation are crucial to repeat business. This is also key to establishing your farm as a reputable source of high-quality peafowl.

Operating costs

In addition to start-up costs, peacock farming has ongoing operating costs. These costs may include feed, water, and veterinary care, as well as utility costs for heating and cooling enclosures. Estimating these costs and budgeting accordingly is key to maintaining profitability over the long term.

Overall, peacock farming can be a profitable and rewarding enterprise for those with a passion for these beautiful birds. However, it is imperative to carefully consider the economic factors involved. It is important to plan ahead and budget accordingly and invest in high-quality breeding stock and marketing efforts to ensure success.


Peafowl are beautiful and fascinating birds that can be kept as pets, used for ornamental display, or bred for profit. However, owning and caring for these birds comes with a range of considerations and costs that should be carefully weighed before purchasing.

Factors that affect peafowl cost include the type of peacock, age, gender, and genetics. Other expenses associated with peacock ownership include housing, food, and veterinary care. It is also imperative to know the legal issues and regulations surrounding peacock ownership. In addition, it is important to know the economic factors involved in starting a peacock farm.

By carefully considering these factors and investing in high-quality breeding and marketing efforts, peafowl owners and breeders can establish successful operations and enjoy the many benefits of these magnificent birds.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is peafowl acceptable pets?

Peafowl can make suitable pets for those who are willing to put in the time and effort required to care for them properly. They are generally social and friendly birds, but they can also be noisy and require space to move around.

Can peacocks fly?

Yes, peafowl can fly short distances, particularly when roosting or escaping danger. However, their large size and weight make sustained flight difficult.

What do peafowl eat?

Peafowl are omnivores and eat a variety of foods, including seeds, insects, small mammals, and reptiles. They also consume plant matter, such as fruits, leaves, and flowers.

Are peacocks protected by the law?

Federal law does not protect peafowl in the United States. However, they may be subject to local regulations and wildlife and animal welfare laws.

How long do peafowl live?

Peafowl can live 20 years or more with proper care and attention. Females live slightly longer than males.

Can peafowl breed with chickens?

No, peafowl cannot breed with chickens. They are distinct species and belong to different genera.

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