What is a group of pigeons called? A Comprehensive Guide

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what is a group of pigeons called

What is a group of pigeons called?

Pigeons, also known as rock doves, are common birds that can be found in urban areas around the world. Their distinctive cooing and iridescent feathers make them easy to spot, and they have become a familiar sight in cities worldwide. However, have you ever wondered what a group of pigeons is called? In this article, we will explore the answer to this question and provide you with some interesting facts about these birds.


Pigeons have been domesticated and bred for thousands of years, primarily for their meat but also for racing and ornamental purposes. They are members of the Columbidae family, which also includes doves. Pigeons are adaptable birds and have successfully established populations in most urban areas around the world. They are social birds that are known for their strong homing instinct and have been used throughout history as message carriers.

The Origins of Pigeons

The rock dove, or wild pigeon, is the ancestor of the domestic pigeon and is native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. The first records of domesticated pigeons date back to ancient Egypt, where they were kept for their meat, eggs, and droppings, which were used as fertilizer. The Romans also used pigeons as messengers, and their domestication spread throughout Europe and the Middle East.

The social behavior of pigeons

Pigeons are social birds that live in large flocks, or groups. They are monogamous and mate for life, and both parents take care of the eggs and young. Pigeons communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations, body language, and scent markings. They are also known for their homing instinct, which allows them to navigate over long distances and return to their home base.

What is a group of pigeons called?

A group of pigeons is called a flock, although there are several other names that can be used depending on the situation. For example, a group of pigeons that are flying together is called a flight, while a group that is feeding together is called a kit. A group of pigeons that are nesting together is called a dovecote, and a group that is roosting together is called a loft.

Other names for groups of pigeons

Pigeons, also known as rock doves, are one of the most common birds found in urban areas. They are often seen in large groups, especially in parks and squares, where people feed them. Interestingly, pigeons have different names for their groups depending on their age and gender. In this article, we will explore the various names given to groups of pigeons and their significance.


Pigeons have been domesticated for thousands of years and have been used for various purposes, such as delivering messages and racing. They are known for their ability to find their way home from long distances, and their intelligence and adaptability make them popular pets. Pigeons are also valued for their meat and feathers. In this article, we will focus on the names given to groups of pigeons and their meanings.

The names for groups of pigeons

A Flight of Pigeons

A flight of pigeons is the most common name used for a group of pigeons. This term is used to describe a group of pigeons that are flying together. Pigeons are known for their acrobatic flying skills and can often be seen performing aerial displays in groups.

A Kit of Pigeons

A kit of pigeons is the name given to a group of young pigeons. Pigeons are monogamous and usually mate for life, and they breed throughout the year. A kit of pigeons consists of pigeons that are not yet fully grown and are still learning to fly.

A Flock of Pigeons

A flock of pigeons is a general term used to describe a group of pigeons that are on the ground. This term is often used to describe pigeons that are feeding or roosting together. A flock of pigeons can consist of both male and female pigeons of different ages.

A loft of pigeons

A loft of pigeons is the name given to a group of pigeons that are kept together in a loft. Lofts are usually used to house racing pigeons or pigeons that are used for breeding. A loft of pigeons can consist of both male and female pigeons of different ages.

A Passel of Pigeons

A passel of pigeons is the name given to a group of pigeons that are foraging for food. This term is often used to describe pigeons that are searching for food in urban areas, such as parks and city squares.

A Pitying of Pigeons

A pitying of pigeons is a name given to a group of pigeons that are coming together. Pigeons are known for their distinctive cooing sound, and a pitying of pigeons is a group of pigeons that are cooing in unison.

A Drop of Pigeons

A dropping of pigeons is a name given to a group of pigeons that are defecating together. This term is often used to describe pigeons that are perched on a roof or ledge and are leaving droppings behind.

A School of Pigeons

A school of pigeons is the name given to a group of pigeons that are being trained. This term is often used to describe racing pigeons that are being trained to fly long distances.

A Bevy of Pigeons

A bevy of pigeons is the name given to a group of female pigeons. This term is often used to describe a group of female pigeons that are breeding together.

A Noyau of Pigeons

A noyau of pigeons is the name given to a group of male pigeons. This term is often used to describe a group of male

pigeons that are competing for the attention of female pigeons during the breeding season.

A Trip of Pigeons

A trip of pigeons is the name given to a group of pigeons that are taking flight for a short distance. This term is often used to describe pigeons that are flying to a nearby rooftop or tree.

A Pass of Pigeons

A pass of pigeons is a name given to a group of pigeons that are flying over a particular area. This term is often used to describe a group of pigeons that are migrating to a new location.

A Brace of Pigeons

A brace of pigeons is the name given to a pair of pigeons. This term is often used to describe pigeons that are breeding together or that are seen together frequently.

A Coat of Pigeons

A cote of pigeons is the name given to a group of pigeons that are housed together in a cote or dovecote. This term is often used to describe a group of domesticated pigeons that are kept for breeding or racing.

A Rookery of Pigeons

A rookery of pigeons is the name given to a group of pigeons that are nesting together in trees or buildings. This term is often used to describe feral pigeons that have established a colony in a particular area.

Pigeon Facts and Trivia

  1. Pigeons are intelligent birds with the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror, solve complex problems, and even understand abstract concepts like time and space.
  2. The common pigeon, also known as the rock dove, is native to Europe, North Africa, and southwestern Asia but has been introduced to many parts of the world.
  3. Pigeons can fly at speeds of up to 77 miles per hour and can cover distances of over 700 miles in a single flight.
  4. Pigeons are monogamous and mate for life. They typically lay two eggs at a time, and both parents take turns incubating the eggs.
  5. Pigeons are known for their homing instincts, which allow them to find their way home from distances of up to 1,300 miles. This ability has made them valuable messengers throughout history.
  6. Pigeon racing is a popular sport in many parts of the world, where specially trained pigeons are released from a designated location and race to their home loft.
  7. Pigeon droppings, also known as guano, are a valuable fertilizer and have been used for thousands of years in agriculture.
  8. Pigeons have been used in various forms of art, literature, and mythology and are often associated with peace, love, and freedom.
  9. Pigeons are social birds and often form flocks, sometimes numbering in the thousands.
  10. Despite their reputation as pests in urban areas, pigeons have a positive impact on the environment by helping to spread seeds and controlling insect populations.


In conclusion, a group of pigeons is called a flock, although there are several other names that can be used depending on the context. Pigeons are social birds that have adapted well to life in urban areas and have played an important role in human history. While they can be considered a nuisance, they also provide valuable ecological services and are an important part of the urban ecosystem.

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Can pigeons transmit diseases to humans?

Pigeons can carry diseases such as salmonella and histoplasmosis, but the risk of transmission to humans is relatively low.

What is the lifespan of a pigeon?

The average lifespan of a pigeon is around 3 to 5 years, although some can live up to 15 years in captivity.

Are pigeons intelligent?

Pigeons are considered intelligent birds, with the ability to recognize themselves in mirrors and navigate over long distances.

Why do pigeons bob their heads?

Pigeons bob their heads while walking or standing to help them maintain balance and stabilize their vision.

How can I keep pigeons away from my property?

There are several methods that can be used to deter pigeons, including the use of spikes, netting, and repellents. Humane trapping and relocation can also be effective.

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